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Realme 9 5G SE price starts at ₹21,990 and goes upto ₹19,990.Realme 9 5G SE is available in 2 options.
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Starry Glow
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More often than not, consumers opting for an affordable smartphone will know that no matter which smartphone they pick, the features will always be a notch below the flagship models. And it makes sense. A smartphone selling in the sub-Rs. 20,000 category cannot have the same features as the one selling for Rs. 30,000. But with the Realme 9 5G SE, the company seems to be breaking these rules and it has packed hardware in this affordable range smartphone which were previously unimaginable.
Our compare tool lets you decide which device would be better for you. The tool is based on our in-house algorithm, which is constantly evolving.
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