Big breakthrough! How to really hit an asteroid, scientists to take sneak peek, help NASA | Tech News

Big breakthrough! How to really hit an asteroid, scientists to take sneak peek, help NASA

Scientists can study the structural make-up of an asteroid to aid in future DART Missions by NASA. Here’s how.

| Updated on: Oct 21 2022, 15:51 IST
NASA: DART Mission set to DEFLECT giant asteroid
1/5 Apocalyptic movies like Deep Impact, Armageddon and Don't Look Up have always explored the ‘What Ifs’ of world destruction. Now, NASA is set to defend the planet against a very similar threat that is posed by asteroids. (Pixabay)
2/5 The DART mission will cost a staggering $240 million. The aim of the mission is to smash a spacecraft into the Dimorphos asteroid to deflect it away from its path. While this asteroid in no way threatens Earth, the NASA asteroid mission is to carry out an experiment to gain greater knowledge as to what happens when a craft is crashed against a space rock. This knowledge will be used if an actual asteroid threatens to crash against the Earth. It will help avert an Armageddon on Earth and perhaps, even save humanity from extinction. (NASA)
3/5 According to Financial Times, chief scientist at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory, Andy Cheng, came up with the DART concept along with a senior researcher. Dr. Cheng said, “It feels very exciting — like a dream come true — for something we’ve been thinking about for 20 years to be actually happening." (Pixabay)
4/5 The DART mission has already sent the main spacecraft to space in November, 2021. It includes a satellite made by the Italian Space Agency. Another spacecraft is set to launch by 2026, to measure the impact. (NASA)
5/5 NASA said, "DART is the first-ever mission dedicated to investigating and demonstrating one method of asteroid deflection by changing an asteroid’s motion in space through kinetic impact." (Pixabay)
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Scientist set to take a sneak peek at Asteroid innards, help NASA. (ESA)

NASA's first attempt at planetary defense against potentially catastrophic asteroids was a resounding success. NASA's DART Mission is a nearly $330 million first step to protect the planet against potential asteroid impact. The aim of the Double Asteroid Detection Test or DART test was to smash a spacecraft into the Dimorphos asteroid to deflect it away from its path. Although this test was successful, scientists conducted thorough studies of the asteroid before proceeding with the test. But what if an asteroid comes for Earth? Will scientists be able to study the internal structure of the asteroid?

It turns out, a team of MIT scientists have been already working on a solution to study the internal makeup of an asteroid. In research published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, MIT scientists have developed a new method to study the internal structure of the space rock based on how the spin of the asteroid changes when it makes a close approach with a huge celestial object, like a planet. This will help in understanding the internal structure of the asteroid as well as the weight distribution, which could help in future DART Missions.

Jack Dinsmore, who developed the new asteroid-mapping technique as an MIT undergraduate majoring in physics told MIT News, “If you know the density distribution of the asteroid, you could hit it at just the right spot so it actually moves away.”

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The team of MIT scientists look to apply this research on a Near-Earth Asteroid named Apophis. Although this asteroid is not expected to impact Earth anytime soon, a slight deviation in its trajectory could send it hurtling towards the planet.

Dinsmore told MIT News, “Apophis will miss Earth in 2029, and scientists have cleared it for its next few encounters, but we can't clear it forever. So, it's good to understand the nature of this particular asteroid, because if we ever need to redirect it, it's important to understand what it's made of.”

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First Published Date: 21 Oct, 15:49 IST