Beware Android users! A malware-laden app is stealing your data; Do THIS to protect yourselves | Tech News

Beware Android users! A malware-laden app is stealing your data; Do THIS to protect yourselves

A malicious app designed to steal data has been detected. It can be on your device too! If you're an Android user, know what to do.

| Updated on: Jun 21 2023, 10:07 IST
ALERT! Do you use USB devices? Beware! Your Windows computer under threat from Malware
Android phone
1/5 Red Canary: cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new malware that spreads to Windows computers through infected USB drives. However as of now, researchers are unaware of how it happens. (REUTERS)
Android phone
2/5 According to Tech Radar, the cybersecurity researchers did not name the malware but linked it to the group of malicious actors they call Raspberry Robin. (Pixabay)
Android phone
3/5 According to the report by researchers, "While msiexec.exe downloads and executes legitimate installer packages, adversaries also leverage it to deliver malware. Raspberry Robin uses msiexec.exe to attempt external network communication to a malicious domain for C2 purposes." (REUTERS)
Android phone
4/5 The malware spreads to new devices via an infected .LNK file. Once someone plugs in the USB drive, the malware runs the infection process via command prompt. (REUTERS)
Android phone
5/5 The researchers said, "We also don't know why Raspberry Robin installs a malicious DLL, one hypothesis is that it may be an attempt to establish persistence on an infected system, though additional information is required to build confidence in that hypothesis." (MINT_PRINT)
Android phone
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Android users have been warned about malware-app stealing their data. (Pixabay)

ESET, a cybersecurity software company, revealed that a malicious app was found in the Google Play Store and has been gathering data from Android users since September 2021!

The app is dubbed iRecorder – Screen Recorder, with 50000 downloads, and was found stealing Android users' data since September 19, 2021.

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According to ESET, “On September 19th, 2021, the iRecorder - Screen Recorder app was first uploaded to the store without any harmful features. However, it appears that dangerous functionality was later added; this was most likely the case with version 1.3.8, which was released in August 2022.”

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The report added, “The malicious code that was added to the trojan-free version of iRecorder is based on the open-source AhMyth Android RAT (remote access trojan) and has been customized into what we named AhRat.”

How does the App function?

The application is capable of stealing files from the Android user's phone in the form of saved webpages, images, audio, video, document files, and file formats.

“The app's specific harmful behavior, which includes collecting files with particular extensions and taking microphone recordings”

ESET also added that they were unable to link the program to any specific malevolent organization.

After the report, Google removed the malicious app from the store.

How to stay safe?

For starters, we need to take cybersecurity seriously to reduce the risk of us being the victim. Here are a few ways to stay safe from Android malware:

  • Download apps only from reputed app stores - Don't use third-party marketplaces to download apps as they can not be reviewed by Google.
  • Read app reviews - Reading reviews enable to you know if any other user experienced any strange activities from the app.
  • Don't use free antivirus trials - Free antivirus trials could actually be malware that attacks your Android device.
  • Keep your Android phone updated - Updating devices ensures that your Android device has the latest security updates.
  • Do not click on ads or pop-ups about the performance of your device

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First Published Date: 21 Jun, 09:59 IST